We are happy to announce that the project “Dance, Move, Act” by Leni Academy was selected among 20 EU-funded Cultural and Cross-Innovation projects within the EU4Culture project. In collaboration with Inform – Platform for Inclusive Minds and Open House – Kutaisi. For Kutaisi, we wish to prove that inclusivity, diversity, equality and culture come hand-in-hand.
The project offers contemporary dance workshops, training and performances in Kutaisi, Georgia. It highlights the performative form of art as a means for integrating people with disabilities. Hence, with its activities, the project is fostering the creation of an inclusive community of children and adults with disabilities, as well as their family members, artists, and disability professionals. Dancers from Kutaisi and abroad will work together with the differently abled to create something beautiful.
If you know individuals or you yourself want to join, please contact Tim on WhatsApp: +995 558 404 798
We will publish the dates of the classes, workshops and show here as soon as we know them.
With a budget of EUR 7.85 million, EU4Culture is a four-year project funded by the European Union to support the culture and creative sector with a special focus on non-capital cities and towns in the Eastern Partnership Countries. The project is implemented by Goethe-Institut (Lead), Czech Centers, Danish Cultural Institute, and Institut Français de Géorgie.
This webpage has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Leni Academy and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union
ეს ვებგვერდი შექმნილია ევროკავშირის მხარდაჭერით. მის შინაარსზე სრულად პასუხისმგებელია ლენის აკადემია და შესაძლოა, რომ იგი არ გამოხატავდეს ევროკავშირის შეხედულებებს.